Subsidi Tepat Program Reach 67 Thousand Applicants, Pertamina Appreciates Lampung Community for Supporting Fuel on Target Distribution

Lampung, March 10, 2023 - Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagsel is committed to providing energy for the community. Apart from ensuring its availability, the South Sumatra Regional Pertamina Patra Niaga also continues the Subsidi Tepat Program to distribute targeted subsidies.

Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR Pertamina Regional Sumbagsel, Tjahyo Nikho Indrawan, said the full cycle trial of the Subsidi Tepat showed positive results. Thus, the expansion of the trial area was carried out. For Lampung, the full cycle trial will be carried out on March 21, 2023.

"Previously, Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional South Sumatra had carried out a full cycle subsidy trial in Bengkulu, Jambi, and Bangka Belitung. The full cycle subsidy trial had received a positive response from the public," said Nikho.

Bain, a driver, said that using the QR Code makes it easier for him to get subsidized fuel.

"The QR Code avoids shunt elements. Thus, subsidized fuel can be enjoyed by the entitled people," he said.

Pertamina noted that up to now, there are 67 thousand vehicles registered in the Precise Subsidy Program in the Lampung region.

"The registration process is still ongoing. We urge the public to register their vehicles through the website We have also alerted officers at gas stations so they can help the community," continued Nikho.

Provisions related to the designation for purchasing subsidized fuel have been regulated in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014 concerning the supply, distribution and retail selling price of fuel.

In addition, there is also a Decree of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Number 04/P3JBT/BPH Migas/Kom/2020. Based on this regulation, for four-wheeled private vehicles, fuel the Subsidized Solar as much as 60 liters per day, 80 liters per day for 4-wheeled passenger or goods vehicles, and 200 liters per day for 6-wheeled passenger or goods vehicles or more. As for people who have not registered for the subsidi tepat, the purchase of Solar is limited to a maximum of 20 liters per day.

To register, consumers must prepare documents that will be uploaded through the website. Namely, KTP photos, Self-portraits, STNK photos (front and rear views), full-view photos of the vehicle, front-facing photo of the police number, and KIR photos for vehicles using KIR.

For further information and questions regarding the Subsidi Tepat Program, the public can access the website page and can contact the Pertamina Call Center (PCC) 135.**

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